Advantage and Disadvantage

Tags: mechanics

Advantage and disadvantage make it easier or harder to succeed at a roll, respectively.

When you have advantage on a roll, compare your heart die and whichever ability die you are using for the roll. Whichever is lower, roll an additional die of that size. Then, take the highest two results from those dice. So for example, if you had a d8 and a d6, you would instead roll 1d8 and 2d6, and take the two highest results (note that they may be both on the d6s!).

Disadvantage works in reverse. Roll an additional die, but this time roll an additional copy of the larger die instead. Then, take the lowest two results. Let’s say you would normally roll a d8 and a d4. You instead roll 2d8 and a d4. Let’s say the results are 2, 7, 1. 2 + 1 = 3, so you would treat the result as a 3.

Last modified: Wed Oct 16 22:06:41 2024